Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A horse is a horse, of course, of course!

Ladies and gentlemen, may I reintroduce the terribly defunct blogger: Chanel!

[Insert screaming crowd impression here.]

But seriously. Hi, guys. It's been two months since I laid a finger on this blog. I feel like a failure. But then I reminded myself that giving up completely is a failure. I merely took a sabbatical. I guess. I've been working three jobs and continuing school full-time, so blogging took a major backseat this summer. I want to apologize.

I also want to write. And I'm torn between two subjects today. They sort of relate. I'm going to go with the one I've had on my mind the longest: "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth."

I was at a LARP event last month, and somehow this saying came up. I always thought it went something like, "don't kick a gift horse in the mouth," or, "don't look a kicked horse in the mouth," I donno. Apparently I thought that the saying was some sort of play on words with the fact that if a horse kicks you in the mouth, you're gonna lose all your teeth, so you better not do it!


A friend of mine corrected me on what the actual saying was. Then I had even less of an idea of what it meant. He went on to clarify for me. So, get this: by looking in a horse's mouth, at it's teeth, you can determine it's age. Kind of like rings on a tree stump. Therefore if someone gifts you a horse, it would be terribly rude to stop and look it in it's mouth to see if it's still in tip-top-horse condition because, hey, it was a gift!

If you don't believe me, check out this webpage about horse's teeth. I'm now going to wonder if any of the people I knew in high school with giant teeth had horse heritage. Or if maybe they were Benjamin Buttons.

Image credit: Tumblr funny-horse
Stay tuned for the next installment of nerdiness: the origin of the word "nerd."

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