Wednesday, May 8, 2013


So there's this rumor floating around on the internet, this meme, that in Maine, there is a law forbidding its inhabitants from keeping their Christmas lights up after January 14th.

Now I remember, when I was growing up, my neighbors put up their lights in November and kept them up through, like, February at least. Naturally, I was curious, and since it's 10pm in May, I'm not going to call up the police station and ask them about Christmas lights. So I did a little digging.

According to an article by the Portland Press Herald, there is no law! And when I Googled it, 9 out of 10 articles were in support of this bogus law. As the article points out, the rumor was even picked up by Fox Business News as the second dumbest law in the US.

Fox broadcasting false information? Nooooooooo! Never!

1 comment:

  1. About Fox, what she said... and the only way you'll be able to take may xmas lights from me is to pry them from my cold, dead... wait that's guns.. never mind.
