Thursday, April 18, 2013

Attack of the Twitter Clones

Do you have any idea how many Chanel Smiths there are in the world?? <-- That many. Well, probably more than that. But that's how many exist in the Twitter-verse. That's a thing, right? The Twitter-verse?

I've always been under the impression that I have a pretty unique name. I mean, my last name isn't unique. Smith is the most common last name in the US, according to But, Chanel? Chanel isn't all that common. Or so I thought.

I used to have a Twitter account titled "Don't Poke the Bear" tied to my name. It was either hijacked or hacked or blipped off the Twitter-sphere (that's one, too, right?) because I can't find it or get into it. I've tried. I made a new Twitter and started using it last week to help market this blog. 

So today, I realize I haven't tried searching for me by name. I figure, how many "Chanel Smiths" could there be? I get onto Twitter, type in "Chanel Smith," and BAM! I've got of all these people with my name! So many that I can't even count them!

There's Chanel Smith who is NOT a sneakerhead, she just <3 kicks.
There's Lady Chanel Smith who wants to bribe me a cupcake.
Oh hey, there's the old me Chanel Smith.
Here's Chanel Smith, a bad ass teacher.
Chanel Smith! with no days off!!!!!!
There's a 15 year old Chanel Smith motox rider.
Miss Chanel Smith LOVES Jaden Smith.
Even better, this Chanel Smith's a belieber.

WHO ARE ALL OF YOU WITH MY NAME?! And seriously, that's just a few.

So what if you thought your name was special and it's not and now you're having an identity crisis, Chanel? 

Well! It's strange to see my name with so many different personalities attached! Obviously, I'm not insane and don't expect that these people should not have my name because it's mine or something, I'm just shocked and overwhelmed. That's a lot of people with my identity and I had expected none. Yes, I know it's a big designer name. I don't live under that much of a rock--even if I didn't know who 2 Chainz was. I've only ever met one other person named Chanel in my life. 

Maybe they feel the same way. I wonder if they've ever searched Twitter for themselves? I think I'll follow all of them and see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever Googled your name? Not just twitter searched it? I still believe that you can't spell twitter without twit- As a language person, I'm sure you find that hard to refute...<3
